Research Groups

Zijdewind group

Fatigue (both the perception of fatigue and fatigability) is an important debilitating and frequently occurring symptom in several patients, but also in the elderly population. Despite the high incidence, underlying mechanisms are still unknown. Our investigators use force measurements, electromyography, and functional magnetic brain resonance to investigate fatigue-related changes at the level of muscles, spine, and cortex. These neurophysiological measures are associated with measures of fatigue perception.

Fatigue is also used to stress the motor system to reveal basic principles of neuronal control of movement. During fatiguing contractions, cortical (motor-) areas increase their activity, and non-motor areas become active. This secondary effect of fatigue can result in a deterioration of cognitive task performance in both control and patient populations.

Our investigators study motor control across the age span in healthy volunteers and in people with multiple sclerosis, minimal traumatic brain injury or spinal cord injury.


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  • Inge Zijdewind PhD Visit

    Group leader of Motor control and Fatigue

    Research fields

    Force modulation, central and peripheral fatigue, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis

    PhD students
    Nikki Dreijer (MSc)
    Ledah Maffei (MSc)
    Roeland Prak BSc
    • All Publications: mepa page or  pdf Selected Publications:
      1. Wolkorte R, Heersema DJ, Zijdewind I. (2015) Muscle Fatigability During a Sustained Index Finger Abduction and Depression Scores Are Associated With Perceived Fatigue in Patients With Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis. Neurorehabilitation Neural Repair.
      2. Prak RF, Doestzada M, Thomas CK, Tepper M, Zijdewind I (2015). Reduced voluntary drive during sustained but not during brief maximal voluntary contractions in the first dorsal interosseous weakened by spinal cord injury. J Appl Physiol
      3. Wolkorte R, Heersema DJ, Zijdewind I (2015) Reduced Dual-Task Performance in MS Patients Is Further Decreased by Muscle Fatigue. Neurorehabil Neural Repair.
      4. Thomas CK, Bakels R, Klein CS, Zijdewind I (2014). Human spinal cord injury: motor unit properties and behavior. Acta Physiol.
      5. Wolkorte R, Kamphuis J, Zijdewind I. (2014). Increased reaction times and reduced response preparation already starts at middle age. Front Aging Neurosci.
      6. Heetkamp J, Hortobágyi T, Zijdewind I. (2014). Increased bilateral interactions in middle-aged subjects. Front Aging Neurosci.
      7. Steens A, de Vries A, Hemmen J, Heersema T, Heerings M, Maurits N, Zijdewind I (2012). Fatigue perceived by Multiple Sclerosis patients is associated with muscle fatigue. Neurorehab Neural Repair
      8. Zijdewind I, Thomas CK (2012). Firing patterns of spontaneously active motor units in spinal cord-injured subjects. J Physiol
      9. Roosink M, Zijdewind I (2010). Corticospinal excitability during observation and imagery of simple and complex hand tasks: implications for motor rehabilitation. PLOS One
      10. Post M, Bakels, R, Zijdewind I (2009). Inadvertent contralateral activity during a sustained unilateral contraction reflects the direction of target movement. J Neuroscience
    • Dr Ria Wolkorte (2015) Erasmus MC
    • Dr Marijn Post (2008), Wageningen UR Library, Wageningen University
    • Dr Hiske van Duinen (2006), Department of Neuroscience, UMCG (Lecturer)
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