Gepubliceerd in Autophagy door Reggiori en Mari groepen30 nov. 2021Post-transcriptional regulation of ATG1 is a critical node that modulates autophagy during distinct nutrient stresses. Lahiri V, Metur SP, Hu Z, Song X, Mari M, Hawkins WD, Bhattarai J, Delorme-Axford E, Reggiori F, Tang D, Dengjel J, Klionsky DJ. Autophagy. 2021 Nov 26:1-21
Gepubliceerd in The Lancet Psychiatry door Van Tol groep23 nov. 2021Trapped: rigidity in psychiatric disorders – The Lancet Psychiatry Michelle N Servaas, Robert A Schoevers, Laura F Bringmann, Marie-José van Tol, Harriëtte Riese VOLUME 8, ISSUE 12, P1022-1024, DECEMBER 01, 2021. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2215-0366(21)00353-9
Gepubliceerd in Brain, Behavior, and Immunity door Eggen groep01 nov. 2021Transcriptional profiling of macaque microglia reveals an evolutionary preserved gene expression program M.L. Dubbelaar, C. Misrielal., J.J. Bajramovic, S.M. Burm, E.A. Zuiderwijk-Sick, N. Brouwer, C. Grit, S.M. Kooistra, S.M.O. Shinjo, S.K.N. Marie, H.W.G.M. Boddeke, B.J.L. Eggen Brain, Behavio
Gepubliceerd in Glia door Eggen groep01 nov. 2021Exploring reported genes of microglia RNA-sequencing data: Uses and considerations Thecla A van Wageningen, Emma Gerrits, Sara Palacin I Bonson, Inge Huitinga, Bart J L Eggen, Anne-Marie van Dam Glia 2021 Dec;69(12):2933-2946. doi: 10.1002/glia.24078. Epub 2021 Aug 18.
Gepubliceerd in Aging Cell door Eggen groep01 nov. 2021Identification of distinct and age-dependent p16 High microglia subtypes Nynke Talma, Emma Gerrits, Boshi Wang, Bart J L Eggen, Marco Demaria Aging Cell . 2021 Oct;20(10):e13450. doi: 10.1111/acel.13450. Epub 2021 Oct 1.
Gepubliceerd in Cells door Reggiori groep27 okt. 2021How Viruses Hijack and Modify the Secretory Transport Pathway Zubaida Hassan, Nilima Dinesh Kumar, Fulvio Reggiori, Gulfaraz Khan Cells 2021 Sep 24;10(10):2535. doi: 10.3390/cells10102535.
Gepubliceerd in the EMBO journal door Mari groep19 okt. 2021Shortening of membrane lipid acyl chains compensates for phosphatidylcholine deficiency in choline-auxotroph yeast Xue Bao, Martijn C Koorengevel, Marian J A Groot Koerkamp, Amir Homavar, Amrah Weijn, Stefan Crielaard, Mike F Renne, Joseph H Lorent, Willie JC Geerts, Michal A Surma, Muriel Mari,
Gepubliceerd in Developmental Dynamics door Hipp groep18 okt. 2021A systematic expression analysis of Plasticity-Related Genes in mouse brain development brings PRG4 into play. Gross I, Tschigor T, Salman AL, Yang F, Luo J, Vonk D, Hipp MS, Neidhardt J, Bräuer AU. Dev Dyn. 2021 Oct 7. doi: 10.1002/dvdy.428. Online ahead of print. PMID: 34622503
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Gepubliceerd in Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology door Barazzuol/Coppes groepen08 okt. 2021DNA Damage-Induced Inflammatory Microenvironment and Adult Stem Cell Response Davide Cinat, Robert P. Coppes and Lara Barazzuol Front. Cell Dev. Biol., 08 October 2021 | https://doi.org/10.3389/fcell.2021.729136