Rare Disease Day28 Feb. 201728 February 2017 Website Rare Disease Day is held on the last day of February every year to raise awareness of rare diseases.
Groot geld bedrag voor MS Centrum Noord Nederland22 Feb. 2017Tijdens het Goed Geld Gala van de Vriendenloterij op woensdag 15 februari ontving Jan Meilof, klinisch coördinator van het MS Centrum Noord Nederland een geldbedrag van €464.000. Het MS Centrum Noord Nederland is een samenwerking op het gebied van de ziekte multiple sclerose (MS) van de af
Published in Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Biology by group v IJzendoorn20 Feb. 2017Pdf article
Published in Methods in Enzymology by group Reggiori25 Jan. 2017Monitoring the Formation of Autophagosomal Precursor Structures in Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae Chapter in Methods in Enzymology Volume 588 (Molecular Characterization of Autophagic Responses Part B, 1st Edition Jana Sánchez Wandelmer, Fulvio Reggiori & Rubén Gómez Sánchez Pdf A
Published in Immunity by group Reggiori11 Jan. 2017
Published in eLife by group Reggiori11 Jan. 2017
Published in Autophagy by group Reggiori11 Jan. 2017
20-21 April 2017: International Microglia Meeting19 Dec. 2016Microglia Meeting 2017 website
Awarded19 Dec. 2016Dr. Martti Maimets (former PhD student Coppes group) has received a second prize (EUR 1300) for his PhD thesis titled “Potential of salivary gland stem cells in regenerative medicine” in the Estonian National Contest for University Students in bio- and environmental sciences among do
Article Martti Maimets (group Coppes) in special issue Cell Press15 Dec. 2016