Published by Sibon group - Sept 201813 Sep. 2018Inhibition of NF-κB in astrocytes is sufficient to delay neurodegeneration induced by proteotoxicity in neurons. Li YX, Sibon OCM, Dijkers PF. J Neuroinflammation. 2018 Sep 11;15(1):261. Pdf
Published by Kampinga group - Sept 201811 Sep. 2018mHTT Seeding Activity: A Marker of Disease Progression and Neurotoxicity in Models of Huntington’s Disease Ast A, Buntru A, Schindler F, Hasenkopf R, Schulz A, Brusendorf L, Klockmeier K, Grelle G, McMahon B, Niederlechner H, Jansen I, Diez L, Edel J, Boeddrich A, Franklin SA, Baldo B, Sch
Published by Reggiori group - 6 Sept 201805 Sep. 2018Driving next-generation autophagy researchers towards translation (DRIVE), an international PhD training program on autophagy. Kraft C, Boya P, Codogno P, Elazar Z, Eskelinen EL, Farrés J, Kirkin V, Jungbluth H, Martinez A, Pless O, Primard C, Proikas-Cezanne T, Simonsen A, Reggiori F. Autopha
Published by Baron group - 2 Aug 201805 Sep. 2018Fibronectin aggregates promote features of a classically and alternatively activated phenotype in macrophages. Sikkema AH, Stoffels JMJ, Wang P, Basedow FJ, Bulsink R, Bajramovic JJ, Baron W.. Journal of Neuroinflammation 2018 Aug 2;15(1):218. Pdf
Merger of the Departments of Neuroscience and Cell Biology30 Aug. 2018As of September 1st, 2018, the Department of Cell Biology has been merged with the Department of Neuroscience (http://cellbiology.umcg.nl). The new Department of Biomedical Sciences of Cells & Systems (BSCS) will be chaired by Prof. dr. Harm H. Kampinga. The Dept. BSCS consists of 4 sections:
Published by Reggiori group - Aug 28, 201830 Aug. 2018Transcriptional and epigenetic profiling of nutrient-deprived cells to identify novel regulators of autophagy Peeters JGC, Picavet LW, Coenen SGJM, Mauthe M, Vervoort SJ, Mocholi E, de Heus C, Klumperman J, Vastert SJ, Reggiori F, Coffer PJ, Mokry M, van Loosdregt J. Autophagy. 2018 Aug 28. Pd
Merger of the departments Cell Biology and Neuroscience30 Aug. 2018As of September 1st, 2018, the Department of Cell Biology has been merged with the Department of Neuroscience (http://neuroscience.umcg.nl). The new Department of Biomedical Sciences of Cells & Systems (BSCS) will be chaired by Prof. dr. Harm H. Kampinga. The Dept. BSCS consists of 4 sections:
NOSop3 visits the Sibon lab: why the drosophila melanogaster is vital.27 Aug. 2018Waarom de Fruitvlieg van Levensbelang is. NOSop3 paid the Sibon lab a visit to find out why the drosophila melanogaster is vital. The interview and the webpage are in Dutch. Interview and webpage
Published by Coppes group23 Aug. 2018Lack of DNA damage response at low radiation doses in adult stem cells contributes to organ dysfunction Peter W Nagle, Nynke A Hosper, Lara Barazzuol, Anne L Jellema, Mirjam Baanstra, Marc-Jan van Goethem, Sytze Brandenburg, Ulrich Giesen, Johannes A. Langendijk, Peter van Lu
Published by Giepmans group20 Aug. 2018ColorEM: analytical electron microscopy for element-guided identification and imaging of the building blocks of life. Pirozzi NM, Hoogenboom JP, Giepmans BNG Histochem Cell Biol. 2018 Aug 17. doi: 10.1007/s00418-018-1707-4. Pdf