Medische Publieksacademie lezing (you tube registratie) - Zeldzame bewegingsstoornissen: van kind tot volwassene13 Nov. 2018Patiënten met een bewegingsstoornis hebben een besturingsfout in de hersenen. Hierdoor maken zij andere bewegingen dan zij willen. Dit heeft veel invloed op hun dagelijks leven. In het Expertisecentrum ‘zeldzame bewegingsstoornissen’ van het UMCG proberen we bewegingsstoornissen beter te begrij
Posterprize for Suzanne Dekker - 18 November 201812 Nov. 2018At the Huntington Meeting, 9th of November, 2018 in Amsterdam. Suzanne L Dekker (Steven Bergink’s group) received the poster prize.
Defence thesis Wandert Schaafsma26 Oct. 2018On the september 12 2018 Wandert Schaafsma defended succesfully his thesis Long-term regulation of microglia: Role of epigenetic mechanisms, inflammatory events and diet in front a commitee of established scientists. His supervisors were prof. dr. Erik Boddeke and prof. dr. Bart Eggen. After a shor
Published by Baron group - 23 Oct 201823 Oct. 2018Rapidly Progressive Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is Associated with Microglial Reactivity and Small Heat Shock Protein Expression in Reactive Astrocytes. Gorter RP, Stephenson J, Nutma E, Anink J, de Jonge JC, Baron W, Jahreiβ MC, Belien JAM, van Noort JM, Mijnsbergen C, Aronica E, Amor S.. Ne
Published by Sibon group - Oct 201816 Oct. 2018Modelling in miniature: Using Drosophila melanogaster to study human neurodegeneration Roald Lambrechts, Anita Faber & Ody Sibon Drug Discovery Today: Disease Models Oct 15 2018:
Published by Reggiori group - 15 Oct 201816 Oct. 2018Probing aggrephagy using chemically-induced protein aggregates. Janssen AFJ, Katrukha EA, van Straaten W, Verlhac P, Reggiori F, Kapitein LC. Nat Commun. 2018 Oct 12;9(1):4245.
Published by Baron group - Aug 201811 Oct. 2018Galectin-4, a Negative Regulator of Oligodendrocyte Differentiation, Is Persistently Present in Axons and Microglia/Macrophages in Multiple Sclerosis Lesions Charlotte G H M de Jong, Mirjana Stancic, Tineke H Pinxterhuis, Jack van Horssen, Anne-Marie van Dam, Hans-Joachim Gabius, PhDWia B
Published by Reggiori & Mari groups - Sept 201827 Sep. 2018Loperamide, pimozide, and STF-62247 trigger autophagy-dependent cell death in glioblastoma cells. Zielke S, Meyer N, Mari M, Abou-El-Ardat K, Reggiori F, van Wijk SJL, Kögel D, Fulda S. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Sep 24;9(10):994. Pdf
Impression commemoration 22-09-201825 Sep. 2018Impression commemoration “… and they put their bodies at the disposal of science”, 22 September 2018 On Saturday 22 September 2018, the Anatomy section organized its annual commemoration “… and they put their body at the disposal of science”. The commemoration tog
Published by Giepmans group - Sept 201818 Sep. 2018The correlative microscopy techniques roadmap Toshio Ando, …. Ben N G Giepmans, … and Giovanni Zifarell J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 51 (2018) 443001 (42pp). Pdf