Article in EOS Wetenschap re. research Laman group02 Dec. 2020Afweerstoffen uit darmen gelinkt aan multiple sclerose MS-patiënten hebben een verhoogde concentratie van een bepaald type afweerstof in hun ontlasting, bloed en hersenvocht. Die bevindingen helpen mogelijk de ziekte te behandelen en eerder op te sporen. Artikel
Published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience by Eggen/Kooistra group01 Dec. 2020High-Resolution Transcriptomic and Proteomic Profiling of Heterogeneity of Brain-Derived Microglia in Multiple Sclerosis. Miedema A, Wijering MHC, Eggen BJL, Kooistra SM. Front Mol Neurosci. 2020 Oct 22;13:583811. doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2020.583811. eCollection 2020. PMID: 33192299
Published in Glia by Eggen group01 Dec. 2020Type I interferon-activated microglia are critical for neuromyelitis optica pathology. Wlodarczyk A, Khorooshi R, Marczynska J, Holtman IR, Burton M, Jensen KN, Blaabjerg M, Meyer M, Thomassen M, Eggen BJL, Asgari N, Owens T. Glia. 2020 Nov 26. doi: 10.1002/glia.23938. Online ahead of print. PM
Published in Frontiers in Molecular Neuroscience01 Dec. 2020Profiling Microglia From Alzheimer’s Disease Donors and Non-demented Elderly in Acute Human Postmortem Cortical Tissue. Alsema AM, Jiang Q, Kracht L, Gerrits E, Dubbelaar ML, Miedema A, Brouwer N, Hol EM, Middeldorp J, van Dijk R, Woodbury M, Wachter A, Xi S, Möller T, Biber KP, Kooistra
Published in Brain by Eggen group01 Dec. 2020Somatic TARDBP variants as cause of semantic dementia. van Rooij J, Mol MO, Melhem S, van der Wal P, Arp P, Paron F, Donker Kaat L, Seelaar H; Netherlands Brain Bank, Miedema SSM, Oshima T, Eggen BJL, Uitterlinden A, van Meurs J, van Kesteren RE, Smit AB, Buratti E, van Swieten JC. Brain. 2020 N
Published in Glia by Eggen group01 Dec. 2020Intrinsic DNA damage repair deficiency results in progressive microglia loss and replacement. Zhang X, Heng Y, Kooistra SM, van Weering HRJ, Brummer ML, Gerrits E, Wesseling EM, Brouwer N, Nijboer TW, Dubbelaar ML, Boddeke EWGM, Eggen BJL. Glia. 2020 Oct 17. doi: 10.1002/glia.23925. PMID: 330683
Published in Frontiers of Aging Neuroscience by Lara Barazzuol group12 Nov. 2020Differential Profile of Systemic Extracellular Vesicles From Sporadic and Familial Alzheimer’s Disease Leads to Neuroglial and Endothelial Cell Degeneration Juan Villar-Vesga, Julián Henao-Restrepo, Daniëlle C. Voshart, David Aguillon, Andrés Villegas, Diana Castaño, Julián D. Arias-Lond
Stand Up to Cancer and Cancer Research UK grant to Lara Barazzuol group (together with the University of Manchester and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital)12 Nov. 2020BRAINatomy, an atlas of brain damage after radiotherapy UMCG is participating in an international study into the effect of radiotherapy on the development of the brains of young children. The study is funded by Stand Up to Cancer (SU2C) and Cancer Research UK (CRUK) with $1 million. The aim of
Promovendus: Probiotica voor hersenaandoeningen05 Nov. 2020
Published in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience by Giepmans group02 Nov. 2020Nanobody-Based Probes for Subcellular Protein Identification and Visualization Marit de Beer and Ben N.G. Giepmans Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 2020, 02 November | Pdf