Published in Autophagy by Reggiori group14 Apr. 2021WDR45, one gene associated with multiple neurodevelopmental disorders Yingying Cong, Vincent So, Marina A J Tijssen, Dineke S Verbeek, Fulvio Reggiori, Mario Mauthe Autophagy, 2021 Apr 12;1-16. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2021.1899669. Online ahead of print.
Sneltesten voor meer fysiek onderwijs; in het lab werkt het12 Apr. 2021Testen kan helpen om meer fysiek onderwijs in de toekomst weer mogelijk te maken. ln het lab van de afdeling Biomedical Sciences doen ze hier sinds begin maart al ervaring mee op. Zo’n 25 studenten laten zich wekelijks twee keer testen. ‘De studenten verdienen een groot compliment’, zegt a
Iris Sommer in Brainwash talks (NPO2)07 Apr. 2021Brainwash talks Praatprogramma NPO 2 11 April 2021 13:40 – 14:00 Programma dat aansluit op het Brainwash Festival. De meest verrassende en invloedrijke denkers uit binnen- en buitenland formuleren samen met het publiek nieuwe ideeën voor de grootste persoonlijke en maatschapp
Published in Autophagy by Reggiori group07 Apr. 2021The ménage à trois of autophagy, lipid droplets and liver disease Yasmina Filali-Mouncef, Catherine Hunter, Federica Roccio, Stavroula Zagkou, Nicolas Dupont, Charlotte Primard, Tassula Proikas-Cezanne, Fulvio Reggiori. 2021 Apr 2;1-24. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2021.1895658.
Published in Glia by Eggen/Boddeke groups23 Mar. 2021The effects of postmortem delay on mouse and human microglia gene expression. Heng Y, Dubbelaar ML, Marie SKN, Boddeke EWGM, Eggen BJL . Glia. 2021 Apr;69(4):1053-1060. doi: 10.1002/glia.23948. Epub 2020 Dec 9.PMID: 33296111
Published in Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience by Eggen/Reggiori groups23 Mar. 2021Autophagy in Multiple Sclerosis: Two Sides of the Same Coin. Misrielal C, Mauthe M, Reggiori F, Eggen BJL. Front Cell Neurosci. 2020 Nov 20;14:603710. doi: 10.3389/fncel.2020.603710. eCollection 2020.PMID: 33328897
Published in Glia by Boddeke/Kooistra groups23 Mar. 2021Regionally diverse astrocyte subtypes and their heterogeneous response to EAE. Borggrewe M, Grit C, Vainchtein ID, Brouwer N, Wesseling EM, Laman JD, Eggen BJL, Kooistra SM, Boddeke EWGM . Glia. 2021 May;69(5):1140-1154.
Published in Acta Neuropathologica by Eggen/Boddeke groups17 Mar. 2021Distinct amyloid-β and tau-associated microglia profiles in Alzheimer’s disease. Gerrits E, Brouwer N, Kooistra SM, Woodbury ME, Vermeiren Y, Lambourne M, Mulder J, Kummer M, Möller T, Biber K, Dunnen WFAD, De Deyn PP, Eggen BJL, Boddeke EWGM. Acta Neuropathol. 2021 Feb 20. doi: 10.1007
Published in Journal of Neuroinflammation by Eggen/Laman groups17 Mar. 2021Systemic administration of β-glucan induces immune training in microglia. Heng Y, Zhang X, Borggrewe M, van Weering HRJ, Brummer ML, Nijboer TW, Joosten LAB, Netea MG, Boddeke EWGM, Laman JD, Eggen BJL. J Neuroinflammation. 2021 Feb 22;18(1):57. doi: 10.1186/s12974-021-02103-4.PMID: 33618716
BSCS contributed with project to Brain Awareness week16 Mar. 2021From the Dutch Neurofederation we finalized the project for the Brain Awareness week, 15-21 March, and high school children in the Netherlands!!! Several in house neuroscientists contributed with movies. Please check it all on: https://neurofederatie.nl/BAW21 You may share it, tweet it,