The AGOR cyclotron facility at the Particle Therapy Research Center (PARTREC) performs irradiations with protons and heavy ions for radio-biology research and radiation hardness testing of electronics and materials.
The new accelerator facility website can be found here:
For information or to apply for beam time you can contact us via e-mail:
To apply for beam time we will need the following information:
- Beam Particle
- Energy:
10-184 MeV for protons
Maximum 90 MeV/amu for 4He, 12C, 16O of 20Ne
30 MeV/amu 20Ne, 40Ar, 84Kr of 124Xe
- Flux:
1E4-1E8 protons per cm2 per second (depending on field)
10-10E5 ions per cm2 per second
- Field shape and size
- Field homogeneity
- Description of samples (dimensions/materials)
- Preference for period in which irradiation is to be planned.
For proton and carbon beams we can also irradiate using a spread-out Bragg peak.