Thesis defence Heleen Hoogeveen14 Dec. 2016On 30 November 2016 Heleen Hoogeveen defended her thesis Pleasure from Food: Different perspectives on aging in front of a committee of established researchers and was awarded with the doctor’s title. Young and older adults experience similar taste sensations, but like tastes differently. This is
Max Gruber Prize for Balaji Srinivasan14 Dec. 2016Balaji Srinivasan (former PhD student Cell Biology, Sibon group) has been awarded the Max Gruber Prize 2016. He will give a lecture and will receive the prize on 17 February 2017. The Max Gruber prize is for the best peer reviewed publication in Biochemistry or Cell Biology of the last 2 years,
Het is de Renaissance van de elektronenmicroscopie29 Nov. 2016Interview met Ben Giepmans in KennisInzicht UMCG
Andries Groen awarded with Van der Meer Boerema grant23 Nov. 2016Adried Groen from the Rob Coppes group received on 15 November a grant of 10.000 euro from the Van der Meer Boerema foundation.
Dennis Lentferink awarded for Best Research Idea for Dutch MS Research Foundation22 Nov. 2016At the MS Research Days Dennis Lentferink (PhD student in Wia Baron’s group) & Jeroen Bogie (University of Hasselt, Belgium) have been awarded for creating the Best Research Idea for the MS Research Foundation (via speed-dates). The winning couple have been invited to submit a full rese
Nanotomy highlighted in the Mediator (ZonMW)16 Nov. 2016Nieuwe microscoop geeft helikopterview op de vierkante nanometer Stafkaarten van cellulaire landschappen Artikel Mediator De Scanning Transmission Elektronenmicroscoop in het UMCG toont weefsel in enorm detail. Celbioloog Ben Giepmans benut de veelzeggende beelden samen met t
TiFN Symposium 29 November: Sensory and liking – Inspiration for application08 Nov. 2016On November 29 TiFN will organise a symposium in Groningen titled ‘Sensory and Liking – Inspiration for application’. The symposium speakers present and discuss the scientific highlights and industrial relevancy achieved in the TiFN ‘Sensory and Liking’ project. More infor
Poster prize Suzanne Dekker07 Nov. 2016
ColorEM published in Cell Chemical Biology07 Nov. 2016Multicolor Electron Microscopy for Simultaneous Visualization of Multiple Molecular Species (pdf) Press articles Science NRC
All Souls'Day memorial Anatomy04 Nov. 2016A body that is donated to the section Anatomy for educational and scientific purposes does not return to the relatives. To give them a place to commemorate their loved ones the section Anatomy has placed a monument at the Yarden cemetery in Groningen. Every year on November 2 on All Souls’ Day