Thesis defence Thais de Almeida Galatro30 May. 2017On 26 April 2017 Thais de Almeida Galatro defended her thesis Players in glioma progression: Genomic exploration of glioma cell compartments in front of a committee of established researchers and was awarded with the doctor’s title. In this thesis Thais de Almeida Galatro presents the latest resu
Professor André Aleman enters the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences.11 May. 2017André Aleman, professor of cognitive neuropsychiatry at the UMCG, has been elected as a member of the Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW). An honor, says Aleman, and that’s exactly what a membership is: a tribute to a scientific career. The KNAW has traditionally been a soci
Published in Plos Biology by group Coppes11 May. 2017by Lara Barazzuol, Limei Ju, Penny A. Jeggo Stem and differentiated cells frequently differ in their response to DNA damage, which can determine tissue sensitivity. By exploiting insight into the spatial arrangement of subdomains within the adult neural subventricular zone (SVZ) in vivo, we sh
Received: 2 grants from Campagneteam Huntington for Kampinga group08 May. 2017The group of Harrie Kampinga has received 2 grants for 2 research projects from Campagneteam Huntington: Project 1: Verbetering van de bestaande activiteit van de chaperone DNAJB6. Prof. Harm Kampinga, UMCG. Kosten 275.000 euro. Project 2: Het werkzame deel van de chaperone DNAJB6 inbouwen in een t
Dutch Cancer Society grant obtained by Coppes group:04 May. 2017Rob Coppes (Cell Biology/Radiation Oncology), Thera Links (Endocrinology) and John Plukker (Surgery) have obtained a grant from the Dutch Cancer society (KWF) for a project entitled: AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELL THERAPY FOR CANCER TREATMENT INDUCED HYPOTHYROIDISM In the Netherlands only, around 10.000 th
H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grant04 May. 2017H2020 Marie Sklodowska-Curie Innovative Training Networks (ITN) grant awarded to a consortium of 15 European groups and SMEs coordinated by Prof. Dr. Fulvio Reggiori The manipulation of autophagy has an enormous therapeutic potential to revolutionize the way we currently treat cancers, neurodegenera
Published in EMBO reports by Reggiori group04 May. 2017Conserved Atg8 recognition sites mediate Atg4 association with autophagosomal membranes and Atg8 deconjugation by Susana Abreu , Franziska Kriegenburg,, Rubén Gómez-Sánchez, , Muriel Mari, Jana Sánchez-Wandelmer,, Mads Skytte Rasmussen, Rodrigo Soares Guimarães, Bettina Zens, Martina Schus
Microglia, from Biology to Pathology Meeting 20-21 April, 201702 May. 2017On the 20th and 21st of April 2017, Bart Eggen (Department of Neuroscience, University Medical Center Groningen), Wia Baron (Department of Cellbiology, University Medical Center Groningen) and the Multiple Sclerosis Center Noord Nederland (MSCNN) organized a meeting “Microglia, from biology to pat
Dutch MS Research Foundation grant received by Baron group02 May. 2017Wia Baron (Cell Biology) and Inge Zuhorn (BME, UMCG) received a project grant from the Dutch MS Research Foundation. Title of the project: “Delivery of a novel therapeutic drug to the brain for myelin repair in multiple sclerosis’. It is a 4 year PhD student project.
1 st International Oldenburg-Groningen Fresh cadaver flap course01 May. 2017On the 21-21st of April the 1st International Oldenburg-Groningen Fresh cadaver flap course was held at the dissection facility of the Section Anatomy. Organizers Janniko Georgiadis from the UMCG Groningen and Lucian Jiga from Evangelisches Krankenhaus Oldenburg organized a fresh cadaver flap course