Ody Sibon gekozen tot voorzitter adviescommissie levenswetenschappen NWO.11 Jul. 2017NWO kent recentelijk een nieuwe organisatiestructuur met verschillende domeinen. Het NWO domein Exacte en Natuurwetenschappen (ENW) heeft voor zeven disciplinaire adviescommissies voorzitters aangesteld. Ody Sibon is aangesteld als voorzitter van de adviescommissie Levenswetenschappen. De adviescom
Published in Cells by Idil Orhon (group Reggiori)11 Jul. 2017Assays to Monitor Autophagy Progression in Cell Cultures by Orhon I, Reggiori F (pdf)
Sven van IJzendoorn receives a grant from the TKO Strong foundation11 Jul. 2017Sven van IJzendoorn receives a grant from the TKO Strong foundation to explore a potential treatment option for patients with microvillus inclusion disease. http://www.tkostrongfoundation.org
Thesis defence Claire Kos05 Jul. 2017On 21 June 2017 Claire Kos defended her thesis On the move: Towards understanding the neural basis of apathy in front of a committee of established researchers and was awarded with the doctor’s title. Apathy can be described as a behavioral characteristic involving a loss of motivation and initia
MS Centre Noord Nederland receives 1.5 million Euro05 Jul. 2017The MS Center Noord Nederland (MSCNN) and members of the Department of Neuroscience have received a total of 1.5 million euros in the past months to do research. Susanne Kooistra received a fellowship MS Research of over € 400,000. She will investigate how certain cells in the brain, the microgli
Harrie Kampinga beste docent Molecular Medicine 201726 Jun. 2017
Lara Barazzuol receives Zon MW Off Road grant of 100.000 euro26 Jun. 2017Title: An improved understanding of radiotherapy-induced neurocognitive decline Project leader: Lara Barazzuol Summary: Radiotherapy is applied in the treatment of many cancers, including primary and metastatic brain tumours. However, when using radiotherapy, irradiation of normal brain tis
Lara Barazzuol (Coppes group) received award20 Jun. 2017On 19 June 2017 Lara Barazzuol (Coppes group) received the ‘Adrian C. Begg Award’ at the Wolfsberg Meeting on Molecular Radiation Biology and Oncology in Switzerland. The Adrian C. Begg Award is given to the author (younger than 35 year-old) with the highest scored poster and who has proven to p
Published in eLife by group Reggiori & Mari19 Jun. 2017Full paper
Animation movie Chaperoning Amyloids - Chaperone Group Kampinga14 Jun. 2017