Project NuCapCure kick-off (EU-funded project consortium, incl L Barazzuol)13 Mar. 2024NuCapCure Project Launches to Develop Tailored Multimodal Treatments for GBM Brain Cancer On the 29th of February 2024, the newly launched research project NuCapCure officially kicked off its activities in Oslo, Norway. The project consortium, led by coordinator Dr Theodossis Theodossiou from th
Published in Nature Medicine by Holtman group12 Mar. 2024Identification of clinical disease trajectories in neurodegenerative disorders with natural language processing Nienke J. Mekkes, Minke Groot, Eric Hoekstra, Alyse de Boer, Ekaterina Dagkesamanskaia, Sander Bouwman, Sophie M. T. Wehrens, Megan K. Herbert, Dennis D. Wever, Annemieke Rozemuller, B
Published in Radiotherapy & Oncology by Barazzuol/Coppes groups08 Mar. 2024Proton therapy induces a local microglial neuroimmune response Voshart DC, Klaver M, Jiang Y, van Weering HRJ, van Buuren-Broek F, van der Linden GP, Cinat D, Kiewiet HH, Malimban J, Vazquez-Matias DA, Reali Nazario L, Scholma AC, Sewdihal J, van Goethem MJ, van Luijk P, Coppes RP, Barazzuol L.
Article pubished on NEMO Kennislink website about research Coppes group27 Feb. 2024Poets je lichaam jonger Oud, ouder, oudst: opruimen van senescente cellenMeestal ruimt het lichaam beschadigde cellen op, maar naarmate we ouder worden, gaat dat steeds vaker mis. Kunnen we onszelf verjongen door grote schoonmaak in het lichaam te houden? Lees Meer
Article published in Cell reports by Barazzuol/Coppes/Eggen/Holtman/Kooistra groups19 Feb. 2024Radiotherapy induces persistent innate immune reprogramming of microglia into a primed state. Voshart DC, Oshima T, Jiang Y, van der Linden GP, Ainslie AP, Reali Nazario L, van Buuren-Broek F, Scholma AC, van Weering HRJ, Brouwer N, Sewdihal J, Brouwer U, Coppes RP, Holtman IR, Eggen BJL, Koois
New program grant for MS Center Noord Nederland02 Feb. 2024MS Center Noord Nederland (MSCNN) receives 800.000 euro to continue their research on multiple sclerosis (MS). The focus of MSCNN’s research is on myelin in the broadest sense. In the demyelinating disease MS, myelin sheaths surrounding nerve fibers become damaged, resulting in characteristic MS
Article published in Journal of Controlled Release by Van IJzendoorn group18 Jan. 2024Nanoparticles targeting the intestinal Fc receptor enhance intestinal cellular trafficking of semaglutide. Pinto S, Hosseini M, Buckley S, Yin W, Garousi J, Gräslund T, van Ijzendoorn S, Santos HA, Sarmento B. J. Contr. Rel., Volume 366, February 2024, Pages 621-636. doi: 10.1016/j.jconrel.2024
Article published in Ultramicroscopy by Giepmans group18 Jan. 2024Optical STEM detection for scanning electron microscopy Arent J. Kievits, B.H. Peter Duinkerken, Job Fermie, Ryan Lane, Ben N.G. Giepmans, Jacob P. Hoogenboom Volume 256, February, 113877. DOI 10.1016/j.ultramic.2023.113877
Published in Aging Cell by Barazzuol en Eggen groups18 Jan. 2024Glioblastoma and its treatment are associated with extensive accelerated brain aging. Anna P. Ainslie, Myrthe Klaver, Daniëlle C. Voshart, Emma Gerrits, Wilfred F. A. den Dunnen, Bart J. L. Eggen, Steven Bergink, Lara Barazzuol. Aging Cell 2024 17 January https://doi.org/10.1111/acel.14066. Pd
Peter Duinkerken (Giepmans group) 2nd prize NEMI Photo competition winners15 Dec. 2023