
Directions public transport to UMCG

Other directions UMCG


Visiting Address

Department of Biomedical Sciences, University Medical Center Groningen
Antonius Deusinglaan, 1
Section Molecular Cellbiology Building 3215 5th, 6th, 7th floor
Section Molecular Neurobiology Building 3215 8th
Section Anatomy and Medical Physiology Building 3215 7th and 8th floor
9713 AV Groningen
The Netherlands

Mail Address

Department of Biomedical Sciences
University Medical Center Groningen
Antonius Deusinglaan, 1
Section Molecular Cellbiology Internal Zipcode FB32
Section Molecular Neurobiology Internal Zipcode FB43
Section Anatomy and Medical Physiology Internal Zipcode FB42
9700 AD Groningen
The Netherlands

Telephone secretariats

Section Molecular Cellbiology                        +31503616111
Section Molecular Neurobiology                    +31503616432
Section Anatomy and Medical Physiology    +31503616382



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