Two grants for managing microscopy data

10 August 2021

Imaging Data Platform for EM data – The EU regional innovation funding (EFRO) has awarded a 1.5 M€ grant to a consortium consisting of Technolution, TU Delft and the UMCG (Giepmans group). We will develop, validate, and use an novel imaging data platform that can deal with the massive amounts of data generated by our novel FAST-EMs. The Giepmans group will provide large-scale EM data ( that will built an atlas of human tissues at nanometer-range resolution.

More info:


FAIR data management of light microscopy – At a national level, NL-BioImaging received a 400k grant for data management and analysis of light microscopy data. We will create a national infrastructure to use OMERO for FAIR light microscopy data management, dissemination and analysis, including the implementation in UMIC. More info on the Dutch microscopy landscape:

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