MS Centrum Noord Nederland receives two grants

20 May 2021

The Stichting MS Research has awarded two research proposals to the MS Centrum Noord Nederland (MSCNN) of almost 300.000 euro each. Multiple sclerosis is characterized by the loss of myelin around axons (demyelinisation) with neuronal loss as a consequence. The research focus of the MSCNN is to understand the demyelinisation process and to improve myelin repair (remyleinisation).
Dr. Wia Baron already described that the accumulation of the fibronectin protein inhibits remyelinisation. With this grant she will investigate the role of the HSP90β protein, which prevents and clears the fibronectin aggregates and might facilitate successful remyleinisation.

The awarded research proposal of Prof. Bart Eggen and Dr. Susanne Kooistra aims to find answers on the following questions: Why and where in the brain do new MS lesions develop? And why do certain lesions remyelinate and others do not?
Both projects can lead to the identification of new starting points for better treatment methods in multiple sclerosis. More information about MS and MS research you can find on our website.

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